Systemic Vasculitis Side effects of steroids and other systemic vasculitis medication

Systemic Vasculitis Side effects of steroids and other systemic vasculitis medication

You should have regular blood pressure checks while you are taking steroids – ask your medical team for advice. The type of infections you are more at risk of depends on the type and dose of steroid medication you take. For example, steroid tablets and steroids given intravenously (into a vein) can make you more prone to developing infections such as colds, chickenpox, shingles and measles.

If you want to try a complementary or alternative treatment, it’s important to talk to your doctor first. If you experience Raynaud’s in your hands or feet, dress suitably for cold weather. Smoking is bad for the circulation and is likely to make symptoms worse. While it can be difficult to stop smoking, treatments are available that can help you to stop.

Difficulty sleeping

Having paclitaxel increases the risk of blood clots such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Reactions can vary from mild to severe, although severe reactions are uncommon. You will have regular blood tests to monitor your liver function throughout your treatment.

  • This helps the body produce more white blood cells to reduce your risk of infection.
  • Many drugs used to treat lupus were originally developed for other conditions but were later found to be useful in lupus.
  • But it can apply to lupus, meaning you’re entitled to additional support to help you in your employment or education.
  • The immune system, which normally protects us against infection and illness, starts to attack the body’s own tissues instead.
  • I was also prescribed steroid tablets as well as calcium with vitamin D.

Make sure you speak to your rheumatologist if you are planning to start HRT. You may not think the term disability is appropriate for you, especially if your condition is well treated and under control a lot of the time. But it can apply to lupus, meaning you’re entitled to additional support to help you in your employment or education.

Changes to blood sugar levels

They shouldn’t be used if you have an ongoing widespread infection. However, you should continue to take corticosteroids if you develop an infection whilst taking them. Corticosteroids, often known as steroids, are an anti-inflammatory medicine.

Lupus (SLE)

They have a more targeted effect on specific cells within the immune system. A simple urine test can show if there’s protein or blood in the urine. This test can help doctors recognise a problem in the kidneys at an early stage. However, the earlier someone is diagnosed with lupus and treatment is started, the better their chances of keeping this condition under control.

When Salma gained weight on steroids, her husband – a tailor – adjusted or made her clothes to fit.

Find out more about how breast cancer treatment can affect fertility. It is not known exactly what effect paclitaxel has on fertility. However, any effects will also depend on other chemotherapy drugs you are having at the same time or have received in the past, and your age.

Any side effects of steroids are usually short-term and gradually improve once you stop taking them. No, but because it is a relatively common condition about 15% of those who have PLE know of other family members who have it too. Twins have a higher possibility developing PLE, up to 18%-21% if their sibling experiences symptoms.

NHS Steroid Emergency Card (red card)

You may also want to try changing your diet, to help manage this side-effect. Below, we answer some frequently asked questions about steroids in the treatment of lymphoma. Live vaccines are made using weakened, live bacteria or viruses.

Normal human immunoglobulin is sometimes used to treat some forms of
vasculitis, often when other treatments cannot be tolerated or have been
ineffective. It is a particularly important treatment in Kawasaki’s
Disease. It is given as an intravenous infusion and repeated infusions
may be necessary. Side effects are common during or following each
infusion including nausea, diarrhoea, chills, fever, headache,
dizziness, joint, muscle and back pains.

Contact Dermatitis

I was also prescribed steroid tablets as well as calcium with vitamin D. If you have high levels of antiphospholipid antibodies there’s an increased risk of miscarriage. However, treatment with aspirin or heparin reduces this risk, and there are now many more successful pregnancies in women who have these antibodies. In general, the best source of vitamin D is a healthy and safe amount of sunlight on bare skin.